Are you feeling afraid? Alone? Depressed? Hopeless? Stuck? Limited? Discontented? Uneasy? Anxious? Worried? Out of control? Confused? Lost? Numb? Insecure? Doubtful? Critical? Stressed? Tensed? Angry? Struggling at work? In relationships? Difficult feelings, thoughts or memories coming back from your past?
It is very hard and unsettling to be in this place, and understandably, you want therapy to help 'fix' these feelings or problems to feel better. Still, I would encourage you to see these feelings as a very important compass, pointing to what you need to attentively listen to and understand first, about yourself or your situation, before you can make meaningful long-lasting changes. For example, how your past might be affecting you in how you feel about the world, the people around you, and very importantly, yourself.
In therapy with me, I aim to empower you to work towards becoming your 'own therapist', as you grow a solid understanding of what had contributed to your difficulties, and what you can do in the here-and-now to move towards a more positive direction in your life where you can thrive.